Zoran Skoda Zoran Skoda

my linksmy articlestalksZoran’s IRB webpageza studentecareer pageabout me

This is the homepage of the personal area of Zoran Škoda within the nLab.

Purpose of personal area: controversial (e.g. personally biased) or unfinished entries and personal research in progress may not be the best for the general area of nnlab. It also allows me to use other vernaculars (languages) of my use and to create pages for my students.

Topics: Personal area allows me getting a bit out of the main topics of nnlab; though related, in addition to categories and alike notions, there could be eventually more noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics, Hopf algebras and so on here.

Personalia: My web page at former work at IRB is here. At the moment I still belong to a mathematical physics group in Zagreb but teach in Zadar. View a list of some of my mathematical/physical articles and talks. I will also create entries on problems which interest me, and those which I consider open.

Students interested in mentorship please look at this page: za studente. There are few pages here, partly in Croatian, for the need of my courses like the one on sheaf theory (2008/9), Homotopy in various categories (November 2009-March 2010), Geometry of connections and integrability (2011/2012), and Spaces with structure sheaf (2012/2013), Homotopy of CW complexes (2014/2015), Neabelova kohomologija (2017/2018)

Last revised on August 4, 2017 at 16:55:45. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.